Soul-Centered Coaching with Shereen Baird​

Inspired Action

Coaching Package

Clear Obstacles Hindering Your Inspiration and Action

Join Shereen for an immersive online coaching experience to help you follow through on your goals, empowered by inspired action.




Take action from the sense of flow that comes from your inner wisdom, creativity and intuition.

The Inspired Action Coaching Package is perfect for anyone working on a project, whether it's a creative endeavor like making an album or writing a book, a lifestyle goal such as practicing daily art or exercising regularly, a practical task like decluttering your space or moving to a new place, or even a business objective like launching a new venture. The sessions will help you take soul-led action, stay motivated, and clear any blocks or obstacles in your way.

Session Details:

✨ Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination can feel like a tug of war inside, where part of us wants to do a task, project, or take some action and another part has a secret desire to be free, distracted, or some other form of resistance. We will bring the parts of ourselves that are in conflict together to heal our tendency to procrastinate.

✨ Using Your Natural Modes of Being

You will learn what your authentic mode of being is so you can activate it often in your day and week. When you learn to do this you’ll flow with yourself, your projects and all of your life. Being in touch with who your really are will activate your inner wisdom and align you with your true values and purpose.

✨ Creating Healthy Boundaries

In this session you will explore the importance of creating spaces that nurture your well-being and learn how to say ‘no’ so you can empower yourself to spend time in ways that bring you fulfillment and happiness.

✨ Taking Bold Action

Discover your action taking style and call in the energy of the warrior archetype to assist you in taking bold inspired action. The warrior can assist you in making decisions and taking powerful steps towards your goals.

✨ Empowering Your Emotions

What often prevents us from taking action is a difficult emotion. In this session we're going to be working with a process that enables you to empower yourself emotionally so taking required steps towards your intentions are much easier.

✨ Confident Decision-Making

In this session you will explore your decision-making habits and style. Using the energy of the sovereign archetype we will activate your positive decision-making skills so you can make empowering choices and make the next best move on your journey.

✨ Accessing Your Personal Strengths

In this session we will be working with a process to help you align with your powerful and sometime overlooked strengths. Your strengths give you direct access to the part of you that's resourceful, makes great decision and feels positive emotions.

✨ Instinctive Planning

Often, the success of our goals comes down to planning skills. Planning could be one of your strengths or something that's still missing in certain areas of your life. In this session we help you develop the skills to plan in a way that's empowering and gratifying to you.

✨In addition to or instead of these specific session suggestions, we can explore other topics to meet your unique needs.

"I hired Shereen to help me follow through on a self directed creative project. I was coming up against procrastination, doubt, perfectionism and planning to name a few of the issues hindering productivity. There was no one to blame but myself! Along with the resolve to change that situation came the guidance of Shereens coaching sessions. Shereen worked with my specific set of needs, coming up with a program in an organized and clear fashion that had me buzzing all week till the next session. She showed me new angles on old insecurities that gave me the way out of those familiar mind traps. Simple tools I will work with for a long time to come for sure. Thanks much Shereen!"
"Shereen was always 100% present with me and my sometimes erratic thought processes. Her focus is razor sharp, even when mine was jumping all over the place. She always brought me back to my intention. I appreciate her sense of humor and her ability to set me at ease. She also is very wise and has an innate knowing of how to address and alleviate my worries and fears. My biggest learning came during the weekly assignments Shereen gave me. They were simple enough to do every day, and by doing them every day, I learned patience, persistence, and getting over feelings of insecurity and unhappiness with my work. I would highly recommend Shereen to anyone struggling with some aspect of their life or job. Her warmth and calm, loving approach make it truly easy to relax and trust, not only her but oneself. She uses meditation, breathing, and going inward to create space for the work ahead at each session. I know that someone who has an artistic block or is temporarily stuck with a specific issue, would greatly benefit from working with Shereen."
"Shereen Baird brings a wealth of knowledge, training and positive persuasion to her coaching. The exploration of possibilities within oneself is a foundation of her work. Shereen offers insightful guidance in prioritizing objectives and goals. She promotes personal responsibility and accountability during and between sessions. Shereen demonstrates compassion, empathy and spirituality in her practice. If you're needing assistance/feeling "stuck"/ searching for supportive suggestions, Shereen's coaching may be just what you're looking for as the next step toward living your best life. "

Experience the magic that happens when your actions align with the wisdom of your soul. ✨ ​

Let's Talk!

Book a complimentary 1-hour Insight Coaching Session!

During this free session, you’ll have the opportunity to explore your goals and energy patterns, gain clarity on what might be hindering forward movement, and discover what life is calling you towards next.

You’ll leave with a personalized action plan and you’ll have the chance to ask any questions about this coaching package or my other offerings.

Our session will take place via Zoom. I look forward to meeting you!

Any questions email:

About Shereen

Shereen, a certified Life & Energy Coach, guides her clients in enhancing their energy flow, fostering creativity, nurturing emotional wellness, and deepening their connection to their soul’s wisdom. Through her support, they gain the ability to move towards their priorities with increased ease and joy, enabling them to fully embrace and live their soul’s goals.