I’m trained and certified in the Activation Method style of coaching, as taught by the wonderful Mark and Magali Pesha at the Coaching Institute. (Maybe you know them from their work with Tony Robbins.)
Activation Method Coaching uses powerful, proven techniques that help people find their inner strengths and resources which fuel them to take action towards their goals and create balance and success in all areas of their life.
With a blend of both Life and Energy coaching, clients also achieve profound healing and growth that propels them into a fuller expression of themselves.
Energy Coaching techniques help the client recharge and recalibrate themselves. Clients connect with their own inner Life Force and intuitive guidance. Their healthy spiritual energy clears the path for them so they can create a life they love living and achieve their soul’s goals.
Energy Coaching is especially helpful in helping clients who need to overcome emotional blocks or repetitive negative patterns and want to spiritually process them and grow. It helps clients realize their true self and life purpose. If you’re an empath and highly sensitive Energy Coaching can help you ground, clear and restore your energy.
As your coach, I lead you through these powerful techniques, hold the space for YOUR wisdom to guide you, act as your accountably partner, cheer you on and help you plan your next right steps.
In our sessions together we uncover anything that might be holding you back or getting in the way, and using the strategies and YOUR creative mind, body and spirit we transform these stumbling blocks into stepping stones.